Your Partner is Impacted by Your Disorder
Insufficient sleep is often known to cause daytime drowsiness, irritability, and tension between others. Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder that exhibits these tiresome symptoms, in addition to insomnia, disruptive snoring, and morning headaches.
Dr. Ralhan and our dental team want to help you discover and treat your condition, as well as help rebuild your relationship with the help of our custom-made oral appliances.
How Sleep Apnea Damages Your Relationship
Nobody enjoys a lousy night’s sleep, especially when your lover causes it. Many may not be aware, but this condition can be detrimental to your relationship. How so? For one, your loud snoring can keep your sleep partner up at night without you even knowing. In fact, they may be the first person to help detect your sleep apnea because most patients are unaware of their snoring at all.
Another reason how your sleep apnea can affect your significant other is that it can agitate them to the point where they’ll begin to blame you for their sleepless nights and exhaustion. This tension between you two can lead to sleeping in different rooms, separation, or even divorce if you dismiss your condition.
Risks to Your Relationship
Your sleep apnea and snoring can be a likely source of many issues between you and your significant other. Some of the most common factors that have been associated with sleep apnea and relationships include:
- Resentment
- Decreased libido (sex drive)
- Arguments
- Frustration
- Fatigue
- Mood Changes
Seeking Care for Yourself and Your Spouse
The best way to avoid any obstacles in your relationship caused by sleep apnea is to seek treatment as soon as it’s acknowledged by your spouse, yourself, or a doctor. Dr. Ralhan in Oakville and Burlington, Ontario offers a variety of sleep apnea treatments to patients suffering from mild, moderate, or severe sleep apnea. He can also recommend unique treatment methods, including lifestyle changes and exercises that help alleviate your symptoms.
Your relationship will improve as soon as you begin treatment with our dental sleep team. Your significant other won’t blame you for their sleepless nights and drowsy days any longer. Additionally, you’ll notice a boost in your intimacy with your partner, less tension, and most importantly, quality sleep for both of you.
Ralhan Dental Can Mend Your Relationship
Experience the change you and your beloved desire for your relationship. To improve the health and well-being of you and your sleep partner, don’t postpone treatment for your snoring and sleep. Here at Ralhan Dental, we don’t want to see sleep apnea be the dividing factor between couples which is why we’ll help guide you towards proper treatment to restore your love for each other. Contact us today for your consultation for a better night’s sleep and a happy, healthy relationship.